Tuesday 30 April 2013

Blog 10

This week I started getting sick on Monday which sucked. Tuesday I ended up leaving during 2nd because I was too sick for school. Wednesday I had to come to school because I had a math test and I couldn't miss that. The rest of the week was ok I guess you could say.

Monday 22 April 2013

Blog 9

 This week was busy for me. Wednesday I went to Saskatoon for a french concert which was good, I met a guy there named Burke and we are now friends! the Thursday was a half day and the Tenors came to my scool. The Tenors were so good live and I am glad I went to see them. Thursday night was our dance and I brought my friend Sheena along then we partied all night. Friday was just a nice relaxing day

Friday 19 April 2013

looking at E portfolios

1- The first one I looked at is too busy for me. I like plain and simple and that gets to the point. The colors were good though eye catching and what not, but otherwise I hated this one.

2-This one was simple enough for me and I really like it. The background was a picture of crumpled paper and it just looked cool to me. The colors were kept simple with pink and black which was perfect since the creator was a girl.

3-This had a nice purple, white and black color scheme. It was made by a nursing student which in my opinion is pointless for her but this was by far the nicest and also easiest to navigate through. 

e portfolio

For the  Eportfolio I found out a few things. There are different ways you can program your website. You should pay attention to how you color your website too because it is important to the over all look to your site.

Friday 12 April 2013

Blog 8

This week I made a new friend at work named matt. I did some things for pink day and met the guy that invented it and that was pretty cool. Today we are filming more stuff in the broadcast room

Blog 5

I missed this but during this week we didn't do much. We just kind of worked on things like the info mercials but that's all I have to say.